dimecres, 24 de desembre del 2008

Christmas time.

Christmas Eve. The chance to meet with your closest relatives. Good food, a few laughs, some criticism on other families and the event is over.

You go back home with a brand new present you didn't expect.

What a surprise! I was so upset with my sister this year and now it is from her that I got the best present... actually, the "only" present.

I thank God for my relatives. I love them so much and I have the feeling that they'll always be there for me, even in my darkest days.

Thank you papa, mama, tia, Alberto, Eduardo, tio, Terete, Alberto, Maria and Pietro.

Be blessed by God, now and forever!

Peace be with you!

Akaiah, the Human Angel

divendres, 19 de desembre del 2008

A new baby.

In my dreams I see myself being told that Joana is pregnant and that I am the first one to know about it.

It has happened very much the way I had dreamt it once I got up and went to her place.

A premonitory dream.

Peace be with you!

Akaiah, the Human Angel.

dijous, 18 de desembre del 2008

Just a dream... Or so it seems...

Today I have had my first premonitory dream in my life.

There were a group of Human Angels gathered together.

I knew two of them, Juanlu and Pacocentaina.

They said it is difficult for me to change from being a human to being aware that I am actually a Human Angel.

They also spoke about evil wanting to hurt me.

Still, I am strong, I am joyful, I am peaceful and I am full of love, so no evil could possibly do me any damage.

Peace be with you!

Akaiah, the Human Angel.

dissabte, 13 de desembre del 2008

Hello! Peace be with you!

Hello! Peace be with you!

My name is Akaiah and I am a human angel.

I am here to give you more light and strength to become happier in your lives.

If you want to keep on reading, I will firstly introduce myself.

I was born in a human body about 30 years ago in Europe, on the Mediterranean coast.

My human mother comes from the country-side and my human father, from the city. They gather together two strong traditions. She is conservative, class-conscious and was raised in a wealthy environment. He is liberal, open-minded and was poor in his childhood.

So how am I? You will discover it by yourself, little by little. Take your time and do not jump to conclusions nor prejudices.

As a human, I am a being of love.

I appreciate laughter, I am social, I embrace changes, I am curious, I am self-confident, I am liberal, I am intelligent, I am relaxed and I am considerate.

As an angel, I am a being of light.

I am charismatic, I am optimistic, I am sensitive, I am caring, I am spontaneous, I am generous and I am intimate.

My interests include sports, music, dancing, the movies, dining out, languages, art, medicine and many more.

That is about it for now.

Peace be with you!

Akaiah, the Human Angel